ISO/IEC 27701:2019

About ISO 27701

The ISO 27701 Standard has been introduced to help organizations protect and manage the control and processing of personal information. In conjunction with ISO 27001, ISO 27701 can be applied to companies of all sizes, in any sector, and in any country. Achieving certification to ISO 27701 provides independent assurance to your existing and potential customers that you have appropriate data protection controls in place. It can give you that vital edge over your competitors. Staff and regulatory bodies will also know that you are an organization that has the highest standards of personal information management.


S&H Technologies Pvt Ltd consultants will review your organization’s current data protection and information security processes against the requirements of the ISO 27701 Standard, and work with you to identify the necessary controls to achieve compliance with ISO 27701. If required, our consultants will then assist you to ultimately achieve ISO 27701 certification.


Are you considering achieving combined certifications for ISO 27701 alongside other Standards such as ISO 27001 (Information Security), ISO 9001 (Quality) or ISO 20000 (IT Service Management) for example? Do you already have certification to other ISO Standards and want to integrate ISO 27701 requirements with them? S&H Technologies Pvt Ltd consultants specialize in this combined approach, that is, implementing Integrated Management Systems. For organizations that need to achieve two or more ISO standards, there are significant advantages in implementing these standards in parallel rather than taking a phased approach, in particular, the internal and external incremental costs can be significantly reduced. There are also significant resource economies to be achieved with projects addressing multiple ISO standards e.g. one gap analysis, one implementation program, less potential for duplication and more effective integration of your management systems. Maintenance of an integrated management system is also more efficient in terms of audits, management review, documentation, and continued assessment.


ISO/IEC 27701 is a privacy extension to ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management and ISO/IEC 27002 Security Controls. The Standard provides a framework for ensuring the appropriate protection and management of personal information and assists in demonstrating an ongoing commitment to compliance with privacy regulations around the world. S&H Technologies Pvt Ltd ISO 27701 consultants will conduct reviews of your current level of compliance, including current data protection and information security policies, procedures and practices within your organization and examine their effectiveness. S&H Technologies Pvt Ltd can then help your organization to implement an ISO 27701 compliant privacy information management system ensuring the selection of adequate and proportionate data protection controls which support your organization in the protection of the privacy of existing and potential customers, staff and any other applicable data subjects.


Ahead of embarking on a certification, you may be looking to seek guidance on the identification of any compliance gaps and/or the implementation of controls. S&H Technologies Pvt Ltd can support you with any of the following: –

General Data Protection/Privacy Consultancy

GDPR Gap Analysis

  1. Development and/or integration of Data Protection and Information Security related Policies and Procedures (e.g. Data Protection Overview (Policy), Subject Access Requests, DPIAs, Risk Assessment, Data Breach/Incident Response etc)
  2. Data Protection Auditing (which can be integrated with Company’s existing audit plans e.g. ISO 27001).
  3. Support with the development of Privacy Notices/Statements
  4. Support with Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)
  5. Support with Legitimate Interest Assessments (LIAs)
  6. Support with Data Breach Incident Response Testing
  7. Development, Issue and Review of Supplier (Processor) Data Protection & Security Questionnaires
  8. Supplier (Processor) Data Protection & Security Auditing
  9. Data Protection Training Services
  10. Support with the development of Records of Processing Activities (ROPA)
  11. ISO 27001 Posture Assessment– Information Security Management System (ISMS) Requirements
  12. ISO 27017 Posture Assessment – Cloud Services, Code of Practice for Information Security Controls
  13. ISO 27018 Posture Assessment –Code of Practice for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in Public Clouds Acting as PII Processors.

S&H Technologies Pvt Ltd ISO 27701 consulting services are undertaken by expert cyber security practitioners who have years of exposure in conducting security audits and implementing control measures in the data privacy and protection domain.

ISO/IEC 27701 Consulting Services Through ADAPT Framework


  1. ISO 27701 awareness
  2. ISO 27701 gap assessment
  3. ISO 27701 risk assessment
  4. ISO 27701 risk treatment plan


  1. Identify security controls
  2. Develop policies and strategies
  3. Design technical controls


  1. Implement policies and strategies
  2. Implement technical controls
  3. Conduct technical awareness


  1. Deploy periodic security testing
  2. Monitor PIMS controls & action plans
  3. Manage technology integrations
  4. Mitigate risks to an acceptable level


  1. PIMS performance review
  2. PIMS internal audits
  3. ISO 27701 attestation audits

Benefits of ISO/IEC 27701

Boost customer trust

ISO 27701 standard prioritizes data protection and privacy, boosting customer trust with efficient management of personal information.

Support regulatory compliance

Having an efficient privacy information management system means easy compliance with other regulatory standards and local privacy laws.

Gain stakeholder confidence

Maintaining a high standard in managing privacy risks and better transparency in data governance ensures confidence within stakeholders.

Minimize risks/breaches

Rigorous and stiff privacy controls in adherence to the ISO 27701 standard helps in mitigating risks and avoiding potential breaches.

Improves privacy posture

A well-developed and stabilized privacy information management system (PIMS) can hike your overall business security posture.

Robust integrated system

An integrated system that complies with ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 can incorporate changing privacy requirements and security expectations.

Competitive advantage

Having your privacy security controls in line with the golden standard promise’s organizations a standalone position and competitive advantage.

Facilitates business agreements

When running in compliance with the global privacy data standard, it aids businesses to come together and work on effective mutual agreements.

Demonstrate next-level protection

ISO 27701 certification compliance means that your organization adheres to all-in-one data privacy,

Our Approach towards ISO/IEC 27701 Compliance

Choosing PIMS strategy

The initial step is to dig and choose the right approach towards developing a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) that correlates with business objectives, compliance needs and other privacy necessities. PIMS development process relies heavily on the defined strategic goals and its privacy controls.

PIMS scope analysis

The scope feeds requirements to the PIMS that helps to produce an ideal framework to deploy, maintain and improve compliance with the data protection standard. Determining the PIMS scope is the pivot element for a healthy ISO 27701 implementation practice. External/internal issues, specific needs, organizational goals, risk acceptance levels and regulatory obligations fall under the scope.

PIMS gap & risk assessments

The phase involves conducting privacy impact assessments and security risk assessments to explore the deviation or gaps in your current security framework based on ISO 27701 compliance guidelines. Identified vulnerabilities and gaps are subject to remediation plans and actions. The phase converges the best security assessment tools, testing’s, methodologies, and expert resource capabilities.

Risk treatment plans

The risk treatment plan is a roadmap laid on the findings of detailed assessments and tests. It involves the development of patching guidelines and security control recommendations to mitigate the risks and converge the identified deviations. In fact, it is a prioritized roadmap that entails the vulnerabilities and action plans based on risks severity or impact.

Advisory assist to risk mitigation

We just don’t leave you halfway. Our expert cyber security task force will ensure the effective deployment of privacy controls and patching in your PIMS through advisory support. We will aid you in deploying the right control measures by providing support and assistance towards the golden certification standard. We believe in collaborative efforts, and our cyber team is always ready with helping hands and open ears.

PIMS management & monitoring

A well-defined and designed PIMS is an asset for any organization while traversing the digital route. Our consultation service effectively manages your PIMS with continual improvement and recommendations towards optimum privacy levels. We dip our eye in your PIMS by strict monitoring controls and policies as a part of the critical requirement of maintaining the right privacy posture.

Internal & certification audits

As a part of the ISO 27701 compliance program, our audit team perform internal and certification audits. Internal audits are the perfect tool to assess the readiness for assessments or any future improvements if needed. Audits ensure zero non-conformities to the required standard expectations and aid your organization to streamline the best practices and processes towards achieving the valuable ISO 27701 certification.

Awareness training /support

Privacy risk management is a continual process, and you need collaborative effort to maintain the same. ValueMentor security specialists not just guide associations in the plan, arrangement, support and observing of the PIMS, yet additionally outfit the best preparing modules for hierarchical staff. Training and awareness programs are vital elements when coming to the sound deployment of the privacy system, ensuring adequate knowledge and insights to our customer base.

Addressing privacy and information security on a single thread

Information security and privacy are both interlinked. While privacy relates to the rights that govern the use of personal information, information security concentrates on personal data protection. A robust system implementation should address security while meeting privacy requirements. ISO/IEC 27701 (PIMS), the extension of ISO/IEC 27001 (ISMS), bridges the very gap between privacy and security of data. The integration could mold an efficient Information Security & Privacy Management System (ISPMS), capable of delivering the ultimate security requirements. ISO/IEC 27701 and GDPR complement each other as most of the GDPR requirements stick to the same path. While GDPR compliance defines security principles and policies for efficient data handling, ISO 27701 ensures data confidentiality and integrity. Both assist organizations in effectively managing and reducing risks around personal information. Organizations looking for ISO/IEC 27701 certification in coherence with GDPR compliance should initially acquire ISO/IEC 27001 certification, as ISO 27701 is an extension to the latter. If the organizations aren’t pre-certified to ISO 27001 standard, it clearly advises implementing both ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 together.