ISO Consultancy Services

ISO Consultancy Services

ISO/IEC 9001: 2015

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ISO/IEC 18295: 2017

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ISO/IEC 31000: 2018

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ISO/IEC 22301: 2019

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ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018

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ISO/IEC 27017: 2015

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ISO/IEC 27701:2019

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ISO 27001: 2013

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Fun Facts

Doing it right when no one is looking


Sessions Delivered


Peoples Reached


Certifications ensured


Businesses Improved

Consultancy Duration

Smaller Organizations

For up to 50 employees, it takes up to 4 months. 

Mid-Sized Organizations

For 51 to 100 employees it takes 4 to 5 months

Larger Organizations

More than 100 employees will take 5+ months

The Consultancy Process

Gap Analysis

Design and Development Process

Implementation of the Process

Internal Audit of Implementation