ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018

What is ISO/IEC 20000?

Created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO/IEC 20000 is a service management best practices guide. Similar in intent but different in execution to the Informational Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), ISO 20000 was drafted for the purpose of helping organizations develop and maintain excellent software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings.

Originally published in 2005, ISO/IEC 20000 has seen numerous updates over the past two decades. ISO/IEC 20000 is broken up into several parts which are updated contingent upon changes made to ISO/IEC 20000-1.

As of 2019, the core components of ISO/IEC 20000 (ISO/IEC 20000-1, ISO/IEC 20000-2, and ISO/IEC 20000-3) have been updated to provide guidelines for modern IT organizations.

Due to the constantly shifting nature of the IT world, ISO/IEC 20000 is in a state of continual improvement much like the service management process itself. ISO/IEC 20000 certification can go a long way in providing organizations some much needed credibility with their customers. ISO/IEC 20000 certifications must be renewed every 3 years, which makes keeping up with changes even more imperative for organizations and individuals who seek them.

What is ISO/IEC 20000

ISO/IEC 20000 is one broadly used method for successful IT service management, from design to implementation. The guide offers international standardization of best practices providing a framework for success, applying to all types of enterprises. ISO/IEC 20000 is a robust methodology that can’t be concentrated into one single blog, but we’ll do our best. Below are a few standouts about ISO/IEC and why its important to businesses around the globe:

ITIL & ISO 20000

We’ve previously addressed the common ground between ITIL and ISO. ITIL is the most widely used IT service management framework. ISO and ITIL aren’t necessarily at odds, however, because the two sets of guidelines complement one another. ISO 20000-1 provides important guidelines that must be followed for successful IT service management. That’s a little different than ITIL, which offers best practices that can be applied as needed. However, ISO 20000-2 provides the basis for a very similar best practice framework. So, why do businesses need both? Here are some common ways that ITIL and ISO complement each other in enterprise IT service management:
ITIL can be a gateway to ISO: Sometimes businesses start with ITIL to solve a specific operational issue. Along the way, they uncover new issues they solve with ITIL. When issues emerge, ITIL may be the go-to. As an enterprise gets comfortable working in the culture created by ITIL, they may opt to pursue ISO 20000 certification.
Special consideration for small companies: ITIL offers special consideration for small companies, and as such, it may be more appealing initially. But as a company grows they may consider ISO.
ISO is more structured: Because ISO 20000-1 offers system requirements that must be completed, it offers a good starting point for businesses who may be hesitant to dive right into IT service management otherwise. There are a number of reasons an organization may choose one or the other, but the bottom line is that using both ITIL & ISO/IEC 20000 may benefit your organization.

Five Standard Parts

The standard use of ISO/IEC has five primary parts.
Part 1 System Requirements: The system requirements are one of the key differentiators that set ISO/IEC 20000 apart from ITIL. It’s the “must-dos” of the guidelines that are important for the global standardization that ISO seeks to achieve.
Part 2 Guidance on the Application of Service Management Systems: Offers a comprehensive best practices framework for planning, design, transition, delivery, and improvement.
Part 3 Guidance on Scope Definition and Applicability of ISO/IEC 2000-1: This section offers flexible guidance on how to define a project’s scope and whether or not it’s applicable to ISO best practices.
Part 4 Process Reference Model: The process reference model offers a framework for how things should operate in an enterprise organization.
Part 5 Exemplar Implementation Plan for ISO/IEC 20000-1: This is the framework for successfully implementing ISO/IEC 20000 in your business.

ISO/IEC 20000 & Your Business

There are a number of benefits to achieving this certification, and while it’s rigorous, it’s definitely worth it. Benefits include:
  1. Increased credibility with consumers and business partners;
  2. Higher levels of customer service and satisfaction;
  3. Greater business objective transparency and understanding;
  4. Design and development of innovative capabilities;
  5. Opportunity to put some ITIL framework principles to use in a way that leads to a prestigious certification;
  6. A culture of continuous improvement; and so much more.
If you’re already using ITIL to solve issues within your enterprise business, you are part the way there! If you think your organization is ready for the certification, here’s how you can start:
  1. Partner with the certification body offering training services.
  2. The company wanting to certify must fill out a request for a proposal.
  3. Based on the form information, the certifying body will make a determination on how many days is required for the audit.
  4. After this is finalized, the audit occurs. An audit plan is created for phase 1 and phase 2.
  5. When the audit is passed, enterprises obtain a certificate.
  6. The certification is good for three years, pending successful audits during that time.
  7. Finally, businesses must recertify every three years.
  8. Elite enterprises strive to become certified on these globally recognized standards.

What is ISO/IEC 20000-1?

The primary section of ISO/IEC 20000, ISO/IEC 20000-1 specifies “requirements for establishing, maintaining and continually improving a service management system (SMS).” These requirements cover all stages of the SMS process including planning, design, transition, delivery, and improvement of services.

The most recent version of this document is ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018, which cancels and replaces the edition created in 2011 (ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011). The major revisions from the 2011 version to the updated version were made to maintain the relevant requirements regarding modernizations in the service management field.

Some of the growing trends that are now accounted for by the updated ISO/IEC 20000-1 are commoditization of services, management of multiple suppliers by service integrators, and the need for determining service value for customers. Other changes include restructuring into the high level structure used for all management system standards and an overall reduction in specificity to shift the focus onto what organizations should do while providing freedom regarding how to accomplish those goals.

What is ISO/IEC 20000-2?

Part 2 of ISO/IEC 20000 is ISO/IEC 20000-2. Its purpose is to provide guidance regarding the application of a service management system based on ISO/IEC 20000-1. This complementary component gives examples and offers recommendations, aiding organizations in their application and interpretations of ISO/IEC 20000-1.

This document should be seen as a supplementary resource for organizations seeking to apply ISO/IEC 20000 recommendations to their service management operations. The goal of ISO/IEC 20000-2 is to provide supporting information and examples, making the application of ISO/IEC 20000-1 easier to implement. Despite this, examples and supplementary details are kept generic to provide context without placing constraints on the organization so it may act on the requirements as best fits its needs.

ISO/IEC 20000-2:2019 is the most recent version of the second part of ISO/IEC 20000. The primary changes from the second edition (ISO/IEC 20000-2:2012) are updates to align with ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 as well as improved clarity and consistency of guidelines. In search of providing improved clarity, ISO/IEC 20000-2:2019 attaches three elements to each clause: Required Activities, Explanation (including a purpose statement), and Other Information (including guidance on documented information, roles, and authorities).

What is ISO/IEC 20000-3?

Part 3 of ISO/IEC 20000, ISO/IEC 20000-3 is also a supplementary document created to aid in the application of ISO/IEC 20000-1. Specifically, ISO/IEC 20000-3 deals with the definition of scope and the applicability of requirements detailed in ISO/IEC 20000-1. This document aids an organization in understanding whether ISO/IEC 20000-1 can apply to its circumstances.

ISO/IEC 20000-3 can aid organizations during the planning and preparation phases of performing conformity assessments against ISO/IEC 20000-1. This document is useful for personnel in charge of implementation of a service management system as well as SMS assessors and consultants. It is supplemental to both ISO/IEC 20000-1 and ISO/IEC 20000-2.

The most recent version is ISO/IEC 20000-3:2019, which was updated to conform to changes made in ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 and ISO/IEC 20000-2:2019. In addition to being aligned with ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018, ISO/IEC 20000-3:2019 also saw updates to example scenarios that reflect contemporary SMS environments, such as complex service supply chains.

The three core pieces of ISO/IEC 20000 work in conjunction with one another to provide organizations with guidance on implementing and improving their service management systems. All three parts have been updated to retain relevancy in the modern era of IT service management.

These three sections do not make up the entirety of ISO/IEC 20000, but they are the essential pieces necessary for organizations seeking to apply these standards to specific operations. Additional sections are still in the process of being updated and published.